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  • College
  • 10.95$
    per page
  • Money-back Guarantee
  • Professional Writers
  • Direct Communication
  • Undergraduate
  • 11.95$
    per page
  • On-Time Delivery
  • Refund Surety
  • Confidentiality Guarantee
  • Masters
  • 12.95$
    per page
  • Authoritative Sources
  • All Writing Formats
  • Professional Writers
  • PhD
  • 13.95$
    per page
  • Best Price Guarantee
  • Plagiarism-free Papers
  • Enjoy Free Revisions


If you’re looking for high-quality academic writing services that cater to your individual needs, look no further than Place your order with us today and get to enjoy the fruits of working with experienced expert paper writers.

Price Table Info

3 hours 48.95 55.95 61.95 66.95 72.95
8 hours 38.95 39.95 40.95 41.95 42.95
12 hours 31.95 32.95 33.95 34.95 35.95
24 hours 22.95 23.95 24.95 25.95 26.95
48 hours 18.95 19.95 320.95 21.95 22.95
3 days 17.95 18.95 19.95 20.95 21.95
5 days 16.95 17.95 18.95 19.95 20.95
7 days 15.95 16.95 17.95 18.95 19.95
10 days 14.95 15.95 16.95 17.95 18.95
12 days 13.95 14.95 15.95 16.95 17.95
14 days 12.95 13.95 14.95 15.95 16.95
20 days 11.95 12.95 13.95 14.95 15.95
25 days 10.95 11.95 12.95 13.95 14.95
30 days 9.95 10.95 11.95 12.95 13.95

Pricing Policy

Prices at are set to the industry average.

At Grade Scholars, we pride ourselves on offering high-quality academic writing services at fair and reasonable prices. We understand that students have different financial capabilities, and we aim to provide services that are affordable to everyone.

Our pricing policy is based on:

  • The academic level,
  • the number of pages and
  • the urgency of the order.

The Academic Level:
The academic level of your paper is a significant factor in determining the price. We offer services for students at all academic levels, from high school to Ph.D. level. The higher the academic level, the more specialized the writer is required, which translates to a higher price. Our experienced writers have specific academic credentials related to the content fields they write in, so you can be confident that your paper will be of the highest quality.

The Number of Pages:
The length of your paper is another crucial factor in determining the price. We calculate the cost per page, with one page consisting of 275 words. The longer your paper, the more pages it will have, and the higher the price will be.

The Urgency of the Order:
The urgency of your order also plays a role in determining the price. We understand that students often have tight deadlines, and we offer services to accommodate these deadlines. The shorter the deadline, the more urgent the order, and the higher the price. However, we ensure that even with tight deadlines, the quality of the paper remains high.

We have a transparent pricing policy, and our prices are clearly indicated on our website. With the automatic and easy-to-use “Order Now Form“, you can input the academic level, the number of pages, and the deadline to get an estimated price. Our prices range from $10.95 per page, depending on the academic level, the number of pages, and the deadline.

We offer fair pricing, and we guarantee that there are no hidden costs or extra charges. We value our clients, and we believe in building long-term relationships with them. We occasionally offer discounts to both new and returning clients, which makes our services even more affordable.

We accept different payment methods, including Stripe, PayPal, MasterCard, and Visa. Our payment system is secure, and we do not store any payment information on our servers. This ensures that our customer’s financial information is safe and secure.

It is essential to note that the price for writing services does not include conducting any primary research. Our writers are unable to gather primary data for your academic work using methods such as questionnaires, interviews, focus group interviews, observations, and others due to geographical reasons and time/resources required. However, we can assist you in creating questionnaires and analyzing and discussing the results.

We are very flexible in our approach and discuss each assignment on a personal basis. We value communication and encourage our clients to provide us with all the necessary data and articulate their order requirements adequately. A clear order is more likely to result in a paper that fits all requirements, and this makes the work of our writers much easier and more efficient.

At our company, we have expert writers who are well-versed in different academic fields. They have excellent research, analysis, and writing skills that enable them to provide top-quality papers that meet all your requirements. We take pride in our writers’ dedication to ensuring our clients receive the best writing services.

We value communication, flexibility, and above all, our client’s satisfaction. We are always willing to negotiate and discuss the cost of your order on a personal basis to ensure that it meets your budget while maintaining our high standards of quality.

Place an order with us today and experience the best writing services available!


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What others say about us

I was struggling with a difficult assignment and had no idea where to start. But the writer assigned to me at was incredibly knowledgeable and helpful. They went above and beyond to make sure that I understood the material and received a high grade.

Location: San Francisco, CA

Emily Jones

I was hesitant to use an online writing service, but I’m so glad I did. The team at was professional, efficient, and produced a top-quality paper. I highly recommend their services!

Location: Toronto, ON

David Kim

As an international student, English isn’t my first language and I struggled with writing essays. But provided me with a tutor who was patient, and knowledgeable, and helped me improve my writing skills. I’ve seen a significant improvement in my grades and feel more confident in my ability to write academic papers! I personally recommend

Location: Miami, FL

Maria Rodriguez

I needed help with my coursework and the team at was amazing. They were always available to answer my questions and made sure that I received a top-quality paper. Thanks to them, I received an A in the course!

Location: Chicago, IL

John Smith

I needed help with a case study and was impressed with the level of research and analysis that the writer provided. They went above and beyond my expectations and delivered a well-written, comprehensive report. I received an A on the assignment and couldn’t be happier with the results.

Location: Vancouver, BC

Ryan Lee

The writer at was fantastic! They took the time to understand my needs and produced a well-researched paper that exceeded my expectations. I’ll definitely be using their services again in the future.

Location: New York, NY

Sarah Johnson
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